The Best Natural Mosquito Repellents: all effective and no chemicals!
When summer comes, keeping mosquitoes away is a constant job.
Especially if we suffer from skin allergies their bites can give us quite a few problems. This is precisely why we always try to keep them away from us and our environment.
Often this involves the use of chemicals, but if we want to feel good while trying not to harm the environment we can use the few simple tips you will find below.
The best natural remedies against Mosquitoes: all effective and no chemicals!
What should we do to protect ourselves from mosquitoes in a natural way?
Obviously, the tips you will find below are not foolproof and therefore the possibility of being stung is never averted. When it happens and the bump swells and begins to give its unmistakable itchiness we can use, as a natural remedy, an aloe vera gel to spread on the inflamed part. If we prefer, however, we can make a mixture consisting of baking soda and water (a mint essential oil can also be added, if we wish) to be passed over the affected area.
Are there any tricks we can follow to try to ward off these pesky insects?
Strange but true, even the color of our clothing can attract mosquitoes. In the journal Nature Communications, mosquitoes are won over by the color black, red, cyan and orange. If we want to ward them off, just wear white, green and blue colored garments.
Water stagnation
The perfect habitat for a mosquito is undoubtedly a nice water stagnation. In fact, female mosquitoes are constantly looking for puddles and wet places in order to lay their eggs thus giving birth to a mosquito colony. If we want to avert this possibility, it will be enough not to leave on windows and balconies water-filled saucers, full glasses, etc.
As we all know, plants are perfect allies in fighting mosquitoes. In addition to the very famous citronella and basil, we can use plants such as spicy laurel, bergamot, catnip. As well as lavender, lemon balm, peppermint and white walnut. We can also use pelargonium, tomatoes, and sage.
I would say it is time to put these tips into practice. Have a great summer, everyone.