Anthurium Well-being: How to Keep Your Flamingo Plant Happy

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Among the most beautiful plants, the Anthurium is a promise of love to give as a gift (or to give to yourself): how to care for it and all the tricks to make it thrive

Anthurium is among the most beautiful houseplants to grow, of tropical origin, and its flowers are often given as gifts on Valentine’s Day, during the festival of love. Not only that, this plant can even be given at Christmas, as it is considered an alternative to the classic star. But how to grow it at home and especially where to place it? We reveal how best to grow it to observe its magnificent flowers and color our terrace or rooms.

Where to place the Anthurium

Having seen the main characteristics, let’s try to understand where to place this plant in our home. The first thing to know is that it loves light but not direct light: it is essential to avoid exposing it to the sun otherwise its leaves may burn. We preferably choose a bright area, so near the window or balcony, always remembering that the windows should be screened with light curtains. It needs about 6 to 8 hours a day of light.

Light is an essential factor for the growth of its flowers, but it can in no way be poorly or on the contrary too lighted: in the first case we may notice less flower growth, while in the second usually the leaves tend to yellow. As always, some rules apply: we try to keep the temperature constant in the room where we place it, away from heat sources, such as radiators and heaters, as they can dry out the air and damage the plant irreparably.

The ideal climate should be between 20°C (68°F) and 28°C (82°F). If we wish, we can move the Anthurium outside during warm weather, but as long as temperatures do not exceed 30°C (86°F). As always, the rule from before applies: we avoid exposing it to direct sunlight. We just have to find the right compromise for it to grow lushly.

How to grow Anthurium

Now let’s move on to the cultivation of the plant: what are the tricks and secrets to keep it at its best? Once bought, we simply have to transplant it into a slightly larger pot (with drainage holes), taking care to use potting soil (and fertilizer) specific for flowering plants. Since it still remains a tropical plant, it is accustomed to much higher humidity than in our environments.

That is why we can only recommend checking the humidity of the soil. We have the option of steaming the plant, but at the same time remember to use sand, garden soil, peat and a piece of charcoal for the soil. As for the surface, we can consider adding a layer of moss: this little trick helps to keep the roots much more moist and prevent the plant from dying. Let’s add that it does not need pruning: we can simply remove leaves that have yellowed or become damaged over time.

How often to water Anthurium.

It is very important that the plant’s soil is moist but without water stagnation because the risk is that it may get root rot. Especially during the warm season, checking the soil is an essential step: we can water it even two or three times a week, and then adjust the frequency for the winter season. In addition, this plant should be fertilized every two months in spring and summer, using a liquid fertilizer for houseplants, ideal for providing it with all the nutrients it needs.

Diseases and pests of Anthurium

Aphids, mealybugs and thrips can attack the plant, which is also prone to root rot or gray mold. If we notice signs of infestation or weakening of the plant, it is best to act immediately to avoid incurring structural damage.

Is Anthurium toxic?

As beautiful as it is dangerous: this is not a pet-friendly plant as the flower could potentially irritate the mucous membranes of our furry pets. Anthurium is toxic: in case of poisoning, we may notice certain symptoms in our pets, such as salivation, vomiting or bleeding. It is good to contact the veterinary clinic immediately for prompt rescue.

When to give Anthurium as a gift

This plant is extremely popular for its elegance and deep symbolic meaning, so it is suitable for gift-giving on multiple occasions. It not only decorates but also carries a message of good luck: perfect for celebrating love and passion thanks to its colors, which are deep and bright red, we can consider it the perfect gift to give on Valentine’s Day, to declare one’s feelings to a loved one or perhaps for an anniversary.

Be careful, however, because the colors of the flowers of this plant are not limited to red: we find the white Anthurium, which is naturally associated with purity and is a perfect plant to place in a modern setting, or again the pink Anthurium, to express affection to a friend, then alternatively the blue Anthurium, which is rarer but still impressive and instead represents loyalty and wisdom.

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